Kristin Minto SnowdenJan 20, 2019How to Feel Safe Again in or Out of Your Relationship PART IIHow to Heal & Feel Safe Again After Betrayal Trauma Once you develop a better understanding and language for what your mind and body are...
Kristin Minto SnowdenMar 24, 2018Healthy RelationshipsQuiz: Have You Lost Yourself & Your Boundaries?People come to me when they’re struggling. Most frequently, clients are disenchanted with or have been hurt by love and marriage. Their...
Kristin Minto SnowdenFeb 27, 2018Facing Infidelity with CourageInstances of infidelity can take on many different scenarios and occur for varied reasons. However, many affairs seem to take on a...
Kristin Minto SnowdenNov 16, 2017Betrayal TraumaThe Myths & Realities of Divorce After BetrayalGenerally, we can all conjure up some compassion for someone going through a divorce after betrayal (i.e. Divorcing due to an affair or...